Babies do.
Most people don't like to think about change. Change is often terrifying to many people, largely because they are afraid of the uncertainty of the outcome. How and how much things and people will be different after the change takes place causes deep consternation amongst most of us. The reality is that change is taking place all of the time and the best way to make to most of change is to be proactive. Babies don't fear change. Babies predictibally react adversely to a change in routine, but they don't consciously fear it.
Thoughtful, positive change is the absolutely best method for ensuring a greater level of accomplishment. You can either be proactive in changing or you can react. Change is going to take place so you might as well buckle down and start making changes that benefit you and the folks you are working with. You can either make the decision to change by thinking big and acting small or you can let other people make those decisions for you. Either way, you are going to change. Babies do.
Think big and act small. Think about how big of a change you are going to make and then start by acting small and make initial progress one step at a time. Once you have created some momentum you can occasionally take some bigger steps and even tie a few steps together. Babies are like that. They learn a few things and then WOW they make huge intellectual leaps! Babies don't know they are growing they just grow. Babies grow because it is the natural thing to do. Babies learn to walk by falling down, naturally. Change can become a natural occurrence for you, if you are proactive.
So, keep in mind that as you change and move toward the desired outcome you are going to fall down. Individually or collectively we all fall down. Get up. Small steps with a big goal is how you change. Think big and act small, just like babies.