Monday, November 5, 2018

Make The Call

There used to be a feature during a televised football game called; "You Make The Call".

The program would air a brief clip of a play during a previous football game and the viewers were tasked with determining, based on their knowledge of the rules of the game to, make the call. 

The outcome had already been determined, so the exercise was just academic. 

Life is a great deal different. 

You cannot see the future so making the call is rife with uncertainty. 

One fine day I answered the (land-line) phone in my office and a very polite, albeit very shy, young lady was on the other end of the line. She introduced herself and asked me if we had any openings in the newsroom for a part-time writer. We did not. 

However, because she made the effort and made the call, I set a meeting and after that meeting I hired her, to serve as a part-time project manager and whatever else the operation needed her to do. She preformed admirably and learned a great deal about the stresses associated with the real business world. 

We did not really need just anyone, we needed that right someone and until she made the call and walked in the door, we were prepared to wait and tough it out without the valuable assistance she provided. Many businesses are in the same situation we were before I took the call. They do not have anything until the right person makes the call. Then they find room because it makes sense, and the business can make faster progress. 

Neither of us knew what was going to happen when she made the call. But both of knew precisely what was going to happen is she did not make the call. 

No one knows what they don't know. That is why demonstrating bravery and making the call is so vitally critical to any worthwhile endeavor.  

The relationship we began on that fine day I answered my office phone lasted a good while until educational aspirations lead the caller in another direction. She is much, much netter equipped to tackle whatever situation she finds herself in because of the valuable lessons she learned in this, the real world.  All because she MADE THE CALL!