Any coach of any sport will share the times they won by one point and the times they lost by one point. Because it doesn't take much more to win, than it does to lose.
Water at 211 degrees is very hot and can be used to clean things that are really dirty. However, water at 212 degrees, just one degree more, changes to steam and with steam you can change the world.
The nature of things is to endeavor, to create something big and totally new and substantial, in order to make a difference. While this kind of thinking is valued, perhaps a more valuable train of thought is to take something that exists, change it just a bit and make it better.
These small changes, to what currently exists, when they do happen, are ofter so obvious, that we wonder why they were not done sooner.
You see the blue handle in the picture. That is the control end of a garden cultivator. The handle is rubber (softer on your hands) and curved (easier to hold and create pressure). The changes, although small, make a huge difference and are the primary reason I purchased that tool and not the competing model.
You see the picture of the vertical orange stripes on the street warning sign. Those orange stripes make a huge difference in the visibility of the warning sign and make the sign that much more powerful and effective. Not much of a physical change but a considerable change in the result.
The slight change will take place to modify, products or processes. The slight changes can and should have a dramatic impact.
So, since doesn't take much more to win, and you have probably been considering a slight change, what are you waiting for.