From a distance a professional golfer may seem to be a one-person team. However when you look closely, you will see an army of support behind them. Golf, like any professional endeavor, is a TEAM effort. Without team, no one makes it in their professional development very far, if at all.
One of the most productive and rewarding experiences in your success will be your involvement with the team. Winning or losing individual battles serves to make a team better. In fact, losing can bring a team close together more quickly than winning because the team must evaluate the contributions, or lack thereof, of the individuals on the team to determine who is making a positive contribution and who is not.
What makes a team and who, in your life, is on your team? There are easy to identify team members and then there are those members of the team that may not be so obvious. The best way to look at what makes up a team is to consider that, the team at your work place is essentially everyone that works for your company and not limited to just your department, in addition to those key people in your life.
When one team member makes progress, the entire team advances and conversely, when a team member lags behind, the entire team is adversely effected. Everything you do and everything the other team members do, will ultimately make for a stronger team or a weaker team. Even though you may not see the results of your involvement, be assured that you are making a contribution to your team. When you are given a task, consider the impact that doing the task very well will have on your team.
There will be times when a team member needs you support and you should freely offer it. However, you cannot help people unless they want to improve. Otherwise you will find yourself doing your job and theirs!
Life is teamwork and you are only as good as those around you.