Some people are like the car chasing dog. They are highly energized with the chase and have very little idea what to do if they actually catch the prize they are chasing. Since the challenges associated with success are far greater than the challenges associate with failure, you need to be ready to EXECUTE once you get a green light to proceeded.
Sales people or anyone for that matter, that love the chase for the sake of the chase, have no idea what to do if they catch the prey. They chase every car, large or small, old or new in good shape or even cars that are falling apart. They do not qualify prey as to potential, so catching is not the objective, chasing after everything is what they live for. People who are highly energized by the chase often lose emotional interest once the chase ends, independent of the results. They don't really care if they catch anything or not.
Sales people or anyone for that matter, that love the chase for the sake of the chase, have no idea what to do if they catch the prey. They chase every car, large or small, old or new in good shape or even cars that are falling apart. They do not qualify prey as to potential, so catching is not the objective, chasing after everything is what they live for. People who are highly energized by the chase often lose emotional interest once the chase ends, independent of the results. They don't really care if they catch anything or not.
Be ready to execute once the prey says yes, don't get so wrapped up in the chase that you are at a loss as to what to do when a positive commitment is made. Chasing cars does not earn you glory, catching cars and keeping them caught is where the money is.
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