Numerous business books have been written with the underlying theme that poor communications result in many of the self-inflicted wounds that businesses and business people suffer. Communications, good and clear communications, make the difference in all relationships. Many times, because of our deep knowledge specific to our products or services, we tend to"varnish" over relevant and important issues. The best course of action, is to not leave any topic on the table that has not been addressed, while allowing the person we are communicating with to make the qualitative decision as to the relevant weight of each matter and just how much they want to know more about any particular thing.
My experience finds that women are better communicators than men because they typically want to discuss, in-depth, what ever the specific issues are. Men tend to gloss things over and make too many assumptions because they feel they have delivered a clear message. Perhaps because they themselves have a clear understanding of the issue(s) being discussed. Perhaps they do this in the interest of time. But there is very little, short of ; "run the place is on fire" that does not deserve in-depth discussion especially considering that people place different values on different matters. What may seem to be insignificant to you may be the biggest issue to the person you are communicating with and communications is a two-way street.
Communications, good and clear communications, must be your objective and the way you run your life. Addressing issues thoroughly will resolve many issues in the valuable relationships you are working hard to build.
Good communications builds solid relationships while poor communications can harm relationships. You choose every day and during every conversation just how well you are going to communicate. Choose wisely!
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