Businesses and business people can deal with, Yes or No. What is extremely challenging for anyone to have to deal with is when the answer is, "I don't know-Not now-or We are going to WAIT. "
Giving careful consideration to any decision makes good sense. Once the facts are presented, the decision becomes much easier and making sure you have all the information you need is vital. However don't get so involved in the analysis that you are driven to paralysis. The opportunity may not be as potent if you WAIT too long to decide, especially if the decision is YES.
The emotional piece of any decision is often deepest in the beginning. It is then that everyone is excited about the possibilities that are manifest when the choice is made to move forward with something different. Every decision should be tempered with facts and emotion. When the facts are compelling enough to do something different don't WAIT so long to decide that you kill the powerful emotional commitment that is resident in the affirmative response. One of the biggest challenges we face is when we decide to say yes, which results in us having to make something different work to our collective advantage. The positive response must be accompanied with a commitment to do what is necessary to make it work!
Very few plans follow the path that is initially laid out. Situations, people and circumstances change and these changes will often require a strategic modification to every plan. Be prepared to make the modifications that you feel are best based on where you are in the process, but don't WAIT. Make changes quickly because the situation calls for changes and then continue moving. There will be times when you may move laterally or even back-up a bit. Don't get discouraged, keep moving and don't WAIT.
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