There is something inside you that sleeps if you never move.
That has been my experience over the years as my profession has provided me opportunities to move from one location to another, at times many hundred miles. While a geographical move is easier to identify with and creates more issues (professional and personal) , the move need not be from one city to another in order for that special motivation inside you to wake-up. Moving to a greater level of responsibility or increased expectations due to changing circumstances will be enough to wake-up that special motivation.
When you don't move, literally or figuratively, is when things go to sleep and then you become more and more compromised. This is when there is not enough happening, either by omission or commission, professionally that will disturb your sense of well being sufficiently enough, to wake up a level of commitment, that otherwise you may never know you have. There is a reason some people are called:"Movers & Shakers." These people are the ones that are willing to move and take risks and take action because something new and exciting has awakened a level of commitment that serves to take them to higher levels of accomplishment. So when you are given the opportunity, move and wake up!
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