Timing is everything.
Not exactly... because it does not matter how timely you are, if you are not ready. Professional golfers will tell you it is not strength alone that aids them in hitting the golf ball a mile, it is about speed and timing. When their club passes through the swing plane, while executing the swing they have practiced for years, the club head speed is impressive and the timing of the torque they create with their body is accurately applied. The results is a golf ball that seems to leave earthly gravitational pull and enter into outer space and goes on and on and on.
Getting ready is every bit as valuable as being in sync with all of your ability. The question is not will you be at the right place at the right time. Rather the question is, will you be prepared when opportunity presents itself when you find yourself in the right place at the right time. A famous and very successful college football coach was asked about winning and his response was; "It is not if we win or lose that matters, what really matters is, are we willing to get ready to win." The coach knew that focusing on winning was not going to help his team be successful. What the team needed to focus on was getting ready to win.
When you commit to doing what is necessary to get ready and then the opportunity presents itself, you can take full advantage of what comes your way. You get ready by doing the little things that make up the big things. John Wooden, the legendary head basketball coach at UCLA, won 10 national championships. Every freshman that came to play at UCLA learned from Coach Wooden how to put his socks on and how to tie their basketball shoes. Coach Wooden had learned that improperly tied shoes often lead to disabling blisters and he knew that you can't be ready to play basketball if you can't walk because you are in pain from preventable blisters. He
knew that maximizing the value of timing was about getting ready. You get ready by putting your socks and shoes on properly. Then when the time is right, you win!
And in the case of ad reps, thou shalt not forget thy tie! Thank goodness for YouTube, or I'd have likely hanged myself by now.