Everyone is limited and therefore everyone has unlimited possibilities.
The talents and capabilities we were given make up our limitations. What we do with those talents and capabilities makeup the unlimited heights to which we all can climb.
I would love to dunk a basketball, shoot sub-par golf on a consistent basis, out run a Cheetah, but alas none of these unrealistic goals are going to materialize. The only remote possibility is that I might, one day, shoot below par on an easy golf course, but I am not going to score that well on the tough courses, playing from the back tees the way the pros do. Dunking a basketball and out running a Cheetah is not within my capabilities, so why spend any time or energy wishing I could. Or worse, spend time and energy trying to get better at something that is not in the hand of cards I was dealt.
There are unlimited possibilities within your limitations, that when attempted or achieved will enhance your skill-set and add to your self esteem and self worth. When you get better, others get better around you, simply because you improved. Realistic success is contagious. Positive and calculated steps are exceptional events that will enhance your meaningful accomplishments.
Then there are limited and unrealistic possibilities that you should not waste time or thought on. These negative and unexceptional events are truly a drain on your unlimited possibilities. Time invested wishing for something that is not and will never be within your capabilities can product a very destructive and negative reality. Fretting over why you were not gifted with a magical voice, 195 IQ or Cheetah speed will surely lead you astray and divert you off the path you should be on.
Life is filled with wonderful opportunities that you can enjoy professionally and personally and you will accomplish some things in a unique fashion better than anyone else. You have the opportunity to focus on what you can do best, because you are uniquely and wonderfully you. In the experience you will discover that what you have what you have already done and what you can do and what you will overcome in the process defines who you are.
The possibilities are unlimited within your identified and accepted limitations.
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