Golf clubs are that way. Every golfer worth their equipment-investment-salt has several golf clubs that are not in use but they hold onto them and naively believe that one day, a great golf light will shine and illuminate the true value of these relics.
Computer equipment is very much the same. Almost every business has, in a storeroom or closet, the following: old computers, monitors, printers, keyboards and cables that they look at with an investment eye, when the reality is that these items are essentially worthless, as time and technology have passed them by.
For some illogical reason the golfers can't bring themselves to discard the old clubs and the business person can't watch as old computer equipment is hauled away. The emotional separation is just too painful.
Holding on too long, for the wrong reason, is never a good idea. The best plans are more often than not altered and when that happens you may be faced with discarding something that previously held value. Change is unavoidable and allowing yourself to be flexible and focused will aid considerably in your quest to accomplish the tasks at hand. Change may render something obsolete that you or others sincerely believe is something you can't do without. Typically a closer evaluation, from a distance, will help you make the right decision. If you are too close to the forest, it is often said, you may not see the trees.
We all make a way, eventually. The end result may or may not be as initially intended but you can be better prepared emotionally to adapt if you understand that value attached to certain components may well decrease. Should that happen it is a good idea to let it go and make a way.
But do not act in haste. You must make sure that the time to discard has come or you may experience a less than desired outcome or even worse, an outcome that is counterproductive. Look before you leap into the discard bin.
"To do with more what can be done with less, is vanity." - Occam's Protocol
ReplyDeleteWe all get stuck deep in our comfort zones, even when our comfort zones cause us great discomfort in life when what we're repeatedly doing is not in alignment with the person we want to be or the life we want to live.
Often it's easier to suffer in mediocrity than to flourish in success, because the latter requires proactivity, work, and making a decision to do and be more.
I surprise myself in the worst ways sometimes when the lightbulb goes on over my head and I realize I've held on far too long to ideas, fears, and beliefs which no longer serve me. "I've always done it this way," is one of many shackles I've willingly worn too many times.
In careers and lives and a culture that incessantly promotes producing incessantly, it takes slowness, stillness, to really see what (and who) is propelling you forward or holding you back.