Teach a man to fish; feed him for a lifetime.
We are all called to teach.
We are all called to learn.
Teaching is work. In reality, teaching someone something new often requires a great deal more energy and time than does just doing the work yourself. Teaching requires patience. What we have to learn to to do, we learn by doing. But until someone that knows what they are doing, teaches us how to get it done, we are all fishing and floundering!
Learning is work. We all need to be taught. Learning requires patience. The right people are willing to help you learn and know that frustration is a positive byproduct of learning. Learning by observing and paying close attention will be productive as long as you are open and willing. The actual doing will likely be more difficult than you expect it to be. Everything is hard at first but know that repetition is the Mother of education. So do it over and over and over; wrong, until you get it right.
When endeavoring to learn, ask for help from someone that actually knows how to do that which you want to learn. The right people want to and are willing to help, if you will just ask. The first step in asking for help is getting past your disinclination to ask, for fear of being rejected or judged. If you don't ask, the answer is always no.
Be wary of the overzealous "I can do anything" person who says they can help when they really have no idea what they are doing. Choosing the right teacher is half of the solution. The other half is making sure you are the right student. The right teacher is willing to teach and has no reservations about issuing necessary correction without damaging the will of the student. The right student is willing to learn and accepts correction without being offended.
Find the folks with the battle scars. You can't actually see the scars but you can tell they are there by the confidence these warriors exude when they walk the walk and talk the talk. They are the finest teachers.
When you stop learning you stop. If you stop teaching, others stop.
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