The silver bullet represents the path that is not there and you would think that fact alone would be enough to call the search off. Forget about it!
In the midst of the fight to survive or perhaps thrive, there is almost always someone looking frantically for the solution that requires much less effort and will mystically solve all of the issues now and in the future.
They spend valuable time and resources searching for this elusive 'Big-Foot" solution when they should be looking at their own feet to see which direction they are headed and at what speed.
Here is an example:
The newspaper business is tirelessly searching for a simple solution to an ever increasingly complicated problem. The newspaper business at many levels, especially in the community-newspaper-sector is doing quiet well. But that does not stop some of the little guys from following the lemming-big-guys who are headed for the cliff. The big guys chase when they should embrace.
The digital disruptions to this storied industry are real and really growing, but these digital products can't and will not do what the community newspapers do best. The community newspapers, deliver; trust, reach, effectiveness, efficiencies and consistently in their markets. These markets are filled with invested readers and locally owned businesses. Readers who are consumers and businesses who are bombarded with digital offerings. These businesses are searching for solutions, not silver bullets. So leave your silver bullet solution in the closet.
Logic holds that there are no silver bullets and any resources dedicated to this fruitless endeavor could and should be directed elsewhere. How do you do that? When the discussion you are having about your business takes a turn that makes no sense, you need to say something and suggest that the company gets back to doing what works.
Make changes when changes make sense. Searching for the silver bullet makes no sense, so quit making no sense.
So very true, there is not a better way than keeping what you have as long as it still produces and works towards the goal.