Consider what would happen if you look at these situations as opportunities rather than distractions. You may learn a great deal about yourself, your product or service and what may need to happen in order to make improvements. The demanding client expects you to perform at a certain level and in most situations, these clients are simply reminding you that they are not getting what they are paying for. Your responsibility is to handle the matter quickly and either demonstrate that you are delivering what was purchased or commit to this client that you will get the matter satisfactorily resolved, and do so as quickly as possible. When surveyed as to why clients made a change in the people they bought from, the number one reason was poor service. When a demanding client puts forth their demands, you are being given the opportunity to save the business you are getting from them. Clients will get what they want, and what they demand, within reason. The only question is where will they get it.
When a client makes demands, you must make additional efforts and get moving with the attitude that the demanding client has just given you the opportunity to save the hard-earned relationship and make improvements, perhaps to the benefit of all clients. These situations will typically serve to strengthen the relationship. Welcome and value THE DEMANDING CLIENT.
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