Monday, January 17, 2011

What you are.

You are what you tolerate. Tolerating that which is within your control can be destructive. Far too often we get less than we can because we tolerate that which does not meet our current or future demands. The desire that drives us may not drive others and making progress, when it is tied to others getting their stuff done to satisfactorily blend with our progress, can be fatiguing. Therefore we accept less from ourselves and from others.

The reality is that we need not put any more effort into making sure the right people, including ourselves, perform at a high enough level so as to accomplish the team-objective, than we put into dragging someone along. When we tolerate behavior and performance that does not meet the standards, independent of the source, we compromise and in doing so we define ourselves. Or, perhaps, we are allowing others to define us by our tolerance of their lack of achievement. When you are doing all you can, then perhaps other people are indeed holding you back. However, make sure to closely and critically examine your efforts because initially, and most often you will discover that there is something you can do more of, or improve upon what you are currently doing. Take caution before you start looking at others, when a closer examination of what you are doing is what is really needed. Start by looking at what you tolerate from yourself.

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