The sense of touch is one of the most fantastic senses of all.
The touch of a loving hand.
The touch of the green grass under our bare feet on a beautiful spring day.
The touch of cool rain.
The touch of clean bed sheets.
These are some of the wonderful things we can touch and enjoy the experience and for these I am thankful.
However some of the most important things in my life, I cannot touch and they are the very things I am most thankful for.
I cannot touch love, but I can feel it. For love that I can feel, I am thankful.
I cannot touch friendship, but I can feel it. For friendship I can feel, I am thankful.
I cannot touch compassion, caring or concern but I can thankfully feel them.
I cannot touch the contentment of a full stomach, but I can feel it. For an abundant harvest, I am thankful.
I cannot touch well being, but I can feel it. For the blessing of health, I am thankful.
I cannot touch freedom, but I can feel it. I cannot touch the gratitude I have for the men and women that served and are serving in the U.S. military, but I hope they can feel how thankful I am for their commitment. Nor can I touch the security I feel because so many brave individuals have decided to pursue a professional career as a law enforcement officer, emergency medical technician or as firemen. For a secure feeling, I am thankful.
I cannot touch God, but I can feel His Spirit in me. For the Holy Ghost I am grateful and one day I know my God will call me home to touch His loving face.
For the Blessed Hope, I am thankful.
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