I know a guy who has served in every professional role from rookie sales person to president. He was willing to do it wrong until he got it right.
He has always been close to sales and revenue generation, independent of the duties associated with the various positions held. He won and lost his edge and won it back again.
His beginning professional sales path was filled with hurdles, not the least of which was absolutely no experience and almost no training, nor did he have the coveted college diploma. This guy thought that selling was all about talking. In the beginning of his sales career, he was a poor professional listener.
He was an outsider with nothing but a "must-do" attitude. A "must-do" attitude is different from a "can-do" or "will-do" attitude. A "must-do" attitude is more closely linked to survival than any other mindset.
In 1518 AD during the Spanish conquest of Mexico, a guy named Hernan Cortes, who was a Spanish commander ordered his men to scuttled their ships, after landing on the Mexican shore, so they would have to conquer or perish. This is the prime example of a "must-do" attitude where the stakes are higher than you, or this guy I know, face in their professional lives. Cortez' "must-do" attitude was do or die.
Many learned and judgmental folks would have taken the position that without all of the education, experience or impressive resume, this guy was doomed to fail or at best be a tolerated under performer. Success was significant because this guy learned that he was only as good as the people he surrounded himself with. He chose wisely with whom he would associate.
The results, trusted clients and loyal employees show that without anything much more than a "must-do" attitude, this guy has enjoyed the fruits of dedicated effort. He is a really good professional listener now.
You may know a guy just like this guy I know, or you may be that guy. Listen to the guy inside and don't put too much faith, if any at all, in the guys outside until they prove worthy.
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