Do what you say you are going to do, when you said you would do it or let people know why not and when you will.
Set reasonable expectations and then manage them, or customers will set unreasonable expectations and hold you and your company accountable.
Customer service is either good and getting better or bad and getting worse.
Selling is; Helping the Right People, make the Right Informed Decision at the Right Time. (That's it, don't complicate the effort.)
The sale ain't made until the money is paid. (Until the money is paid all you have done is take an order)
We are what we tolerate.
It is easier to get customers than it is to keep customers.
It is better to keep customers than it is to get customers.
The real work doesn't start until the customer says yes.
The challenges of success are much greater than the challenges of failure.
EASY rarely works well, or for long.
Show genuine appreciation inside and outside.
There are some customers that you cannot afford to do business with. Move on.
Over communicate under pontificate.
Have a greater sense of urgency than your competition and your customers.
When you stop learning, you STOP.
Do the hard things first and remember that everything is hard at first.
Don't say; "No Problem. Say; "Thank You"
Return your phone calls and emails, promptly.
Listen more, Talk less, enough said.
Solve problems as quickly as possible and do not avoid confrontation.
Two emails addressing the same subject are plenty. Call or personally visit instead of the indifferent email correspondence.
Get and use a CRM as a condition of employment.
Aging is inevitable but growing up is not, because maturity is too high of a price to pay for growing up.
You will only be as happy as you are grateful.
You cannot make other people happy, you can make yourself happy and by doing so show others how you did it.
The measure of your life will not be determined by what you accomplished but rather by what you were able to overcome. Only by overcoming do we accomplish anything.