Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Let Everybody Else

Let everybody else, be like everybody else. You be you.

I have found that a common mistake in life of young and older is to try and be like someone else. Good luck. 

Chances are, that the very person you are trying to be like considers themselves to be one-of-a-kind. They may have, in the past, been highly influenced by others they admire, but now they are who they are because of decisions they made.

You need to be you. Absolutely, you may follow the lead of the right people and choose to make your results a reflection of they who influenced you. But once you start putting your hand to the plow (figuratively speaking) it is your signature on the finished work, not the people you are trying to be like.

You young folks out there have a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunty. Some of the very best people you will meet in your life are teachers. The great majority of these dedicated individuals are sold out in helping you be a better you. They are privileged to spend time with you in your formative years and really want to make a difference. They teach you subject matter that is relevant but I feel that the more important lesson they teach you young people is through an example of a life's work dedicated to others. You will never get this opportunity again. Do not squander it with bad behavior when the right behavior is what is required. 

Even if you are not young and most people reading this are not, be judicious who you choose to pattern your behavior after. Saying; "I want to be like so and so."" is just an excuse to not be like you. 

Do not be afraid to be you. After all, you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

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