Monday, October 31, 2011

I Will Try That

In a restaurant, trying something new is perfectly acceptable. You may like it and add it to your must have list or you may not like it and never order it again. Either way, you know.

In business "trying" is a path to failure. Trying is implying failure because, to try, lacks commitment. When you commit you are buying-in and unleashing your determination to make a success of your new chosen project. All to often when someone says they are going to try, the outcome is already in question. Simply trying gives them the path to an easy-out by allowing them to say; "At least I tried." So what? We do not need non-committed individuals in the business world. Either take a stand and say, I will or say I will not. Do not take the position that you are going to try. There is not time for try, there is plenty of time for "I will."

When you make the commitment to making something happen there is a gathering of unseen forces within you that align and provide strength and determination moving you toward a favorable outcome. To commit means that you are not going to try it means that you are going to DO.

There will be times when you realize that the endeavor might not succeed as planned and that may be the time to cut your losses. Yes, there is a difference in cutting your losses and saying; "At least I tried." Cutting your losses often means that circumstances beyond your control have changed. You didn't stop trying because you never were trying, you were in the process of doing when things changed. That is perfectly acceptable and understandable. Move on to the next endeavor, but don't try, DO!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

If People Aren't Buying

A good friend of mine was in the sales business. At the time of this story he shared with me, he was in the advertising sales business working at a newspaper where his Father was the editor. One evening at dinner with his Mother and Father he was complaining about how terrible sales were. He was not making his goal, clients were too unreasonable, prices were too high, he could not get appointments with decision makers, the competition was stiff and no one in the newspaper was willing to help. His Father listened patiently to this tirade and then said; "I have found in my rather lengthy newspaper career, that if people aren't buying, that usually means that no one is selling." My friend said that changed his whole disposition and outlook on his sales career.

Selling is not an easy endeavor and yes there are many reasons why people do not buy. But for every reason there is for not buying, there is a reason to buy. Your mission is to discover why people aren't buying and then give them factual reasons to buy. If you spend your time mulling over the reasons that someone is not buying, you are looking in the wrong direction. Focus on the reasons why people should buy from you and look at the issue from the client's perspective.

If people are not buying that means that someone is not selling.