Friday, October 12, 2018

Our Little Girl Got Married

Our little girl got married.

We first met when she was five and I was not. I was considerably older and was falling deeply in love with her beautiful and remarkable Mother. 

After a short while, I fell in love with her. The kind of love that only God really understands. 

She grew in every facet of her life and I was blessed to be a part of that growth. 

Sure, there were many times when her growth took on the character of a curse and not so much a blessing. But she was more and more mine as time and life moved on. 

There was the day, as a little girl, she declared she was ready to learn how to ride a bike. And knowing her as well as her Mother and I did, we knew were expected to drop everything and teach her how. We did just that.

There was the time she declared she wanted to play on a baseball team. I promptly purchased a right-size and colorful baseball glove and was prepared to begin the basics training process, Dad to Daughter. However, a potentially promising baseball career was derailed when she announced that she was not going to join a team, because there was an unacceptable possibility that she might not like the color of their uniforms!

There was the time when, after a 7-hour ride in a mini-van to see my desperately ill mother, she walked in, sat on the floor in front of my mother, laid her head in mother’s lap and wept. All of the other children were outside playing, she was not.

There are too many experiences to detail here. Most are really positive and wonderfully remembered. 

Over time and life, I learned she has a will as strong as a charging Rhinoceros and a heart as big as a full-moon. 

Our little girl is unique and not just because she is ours, but because she is ours, she inherited many of her Mother's finer qualities and some not so much. These and the qualities she built because of life's experiences, make her unique to us and to many, many others. 

Some of that uniqueness was manifest when, even as a young child, she called her Mother Norma as often as she called her Mommy. We knew she was not being disrespectful, she was just being Adrienne.

She grew up into a very impressive professional. She had a really great professional teacher, me!

She is dedicated to her faith, family, friends, pets and very impressive new Husband. We are proud to have Christopher as our new Son. 

Our little girl getting married is one of our defining moments. We are defined by these occasions because we have dedicated our energies to get to where we are. This we deserve.

We are proud parents and proud in-laws. 

Our little girl is married!

Monday, October 1, 2018

What a Patriotic Show

We attended our very first military ball.

The occasion was honoring the 100 year Anniversary of The Warrant Officer.

We, as deeply patriotic Americans, were moved, inspired, awed and grateful.

We were grateful for many reasons not the least of which was the overall welcoming atmosphere as we, the  outsiders, were in the midst of a collection of really fine Army Warrant Officers and their spouses. 

There is nothing like it. The beautiful site of all of these dedicated Army professionals decked out in their full-dress army uniforms is inspiring. The ladies, were simply breathtaking.

The number of toast and the way they are done makes you pay attention, especially since you are the "newbie". 

Posting of the colors was truly impressive as these soldiers stood at attention with their arms perfectly positioned and their posture remarkably straight. Rigid and determined.

The regimented process was something to behold and the tribute paid to fallen soldiers, brought tears to my eyes. The bagpipes, played by a musician in traditional attire, was as moving of an event as I have witnessed in a long while. 

Speakers were impressive, on point and focused. There was no pontificating. 

Most people in The United States will never be able to share in one of these defining events.  But if they were to participate, their view of our awesome military would be forever and positively improved. 

We are very fortunate that we were invited and were really happy to accept.