Thursday, September 9, 2010


The only constant in life is change. Change is dynamic, it is happening every second of every day. You can make decisions to make a change, or someone will make those decisions for you and the changes they make will directly or indirectly have an effect on you. Consider this; when your competition changes their behavior or their offering, you must take note and take action. Because if you don't strategically respond internally or externally, the results of their changes are going to have an impact on you. For example: If the competition reduces prices, the price reduction may encourage your clients to more seriously consider their offer. Your response to this change might be to discuss with your clients the value they are receiving by doing business with you. You must respond to the changes your competition is making as soon as you are aware of them.

Change may manifest in your job description. Businesses often make changes to become more efficient or productive. Should this happens to you, embrace it and make the best of the situation. You may also consider offering an alternative. Your suggestions may not change the decision, but your superiors will know that you are strategically thinking and are willing to make the changes necessary, because you are actively involved.

Change does not need to be dramatic but it does need to be proactively made. When you continuously evaluate the results of the actions you take, you are well on your way to effecting positive change by deliberately deciding to do something different, when necessary. Don't get caught in the never-ending cycle of doing something different just because you can. Do something different because it makes calculated sense. And be ready to make modifications to your changing behavior as you learn what works best. Things are going to change and how you respond to that change is going to make a difference.

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