Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Get up and Get Going

Many times you have likely found yourself contemplating as to whether or not you can accomplish a certain task or achieve a level of success that has heretofore alluded you. This is a very common reality that occurs when we take too much time contemplating and not enough time doing.

Often all we need to do is get up and get going. The first step is the most important step you will ever take because unless you take the first step, logically, you will never get to the second step. In my endeavors, I have often found myself in the situation of not doing because I am thinking about what I need to do. When what I really need to do is get going, because the more I think about something, the bigger the task becomes and grows, in my mind, into something so big that I begin to wonder if I can or should make the effort. Self doubt enters the process and that can be deadly.

The fact of the matter is, that if we really knew, before we started, the full extent of the considerable effort and time that was ultimately going to be required, we might opt to not engage at all. Some of the greatest accomplishments you will make during your career are going to require you to move in different directions after you get started and be willing to modify what you believe to be successful. You are going to learn what to do and as important, what not to do. But none of this happens unless you get going. You must get moving and once you do, you will be so busy headed in the direction of success that you will not have time to think about whether you can, you will be consumed with, you will! Get up and get going!

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