Monday, January 31, 2011

Up or Down

Pat Riley, the former head coach of The Los Angeles Lakers once said; "You are either getting better or you are getting worse".

Making improvement must be one of your daily objectives. You cannot stay where you are and get better, you must move, take action and get going at getting better. Business is dynamic. Business is constantly in motion, moving up or down. You are either making conscious decisions to get better daily, or you can stand by and watch as your competition does. Either way, you will be impacted. Professional athletes understand this reality as do their coaches. They are in a highly competitive business and if they want to stay in the sport, they must evaluate their physical and mental condition, performance, attitude and desire on a daily basis. They must focus on improving because there is someone else who is trying very hard to take their place.

More often than not, the improvements in your performance will come in small increments. The issue will not be how much improvement did you make today, rather, what improvement did you make today. As an example, you might get more organized by beginning each day with a to-do list that you composed before you left work the previous day. Your list need not be detailed, simply a list of things that matter and that you need to accomplish that day. Something as small as this list is an improvement and will help you to get better by focusing your time and energies.

What you do to improve is not nearly as important as simply doing something today that will make you better, helping you to be more prouctive tomorrow.

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