Friday, August 13, 2010

Fear Not

Far too often people do not achieve their objectives or more importantly, their potential because they are afraid. Fear is paralyzing. After accepting a terrific job with a large company I found myself moving from a small town to a huge metropolitan area where I would be heading a sales team that dealt with world-class clients. My fear was dealing, one-on-one, with the really smart people in the "tall glass buildings" and how they would treat me. After spending considerable time calling on these very sophisticated people I realized they were people, just like me. We had many things in common. They found my small-town experience refreshing and they helped me learn how to deal with people at every level. Soon I found myself calling on top management of Fortune 500 companies and handling the situation as if I had been doing it for years! My fear was unfounded. Meeting fear head-on takes guts. However what you will most often find it that you were afraid of something that never really existed. Fear is most often an obstacle that we build because we don't know. Fear is born out of the unknown. Do not be afraid, step forward and learn as you go. You will be pleasantly surprised at how much you can accomplish if you are not fearful.

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