Monday, June 13, 2011

Public & Private

Outside sales people and indeed any one who deals face-to-face with client's and prospects on a regular basis are, in the view of the customers, the face of the business: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

While many people think that their private lives and their professional lives are distinct and separate, that is simply not the "real-world". You see, you are a person and people naturally relate to other people and most people find it very difficult to view any one individual through multiple lenses. Your customers and prospects and fellow employees look at you and see what you are on and off the job and what they see is one person that behaves either consistently or inconsistently. You cannot be two people to clients and prospects independent of the separation that you feel should rightly exist. That simply does not fit the reasonable evaluation process that we all employ to determine who we can and cannot trust and who we really want to do business with. The degree of separation that you have between your professional and private existence may indeed vary from person to person, but there is still a considerable amount of character evaluation occurring in-spite of the ability of any individual to attempt to to see you as two different people. You are one person all the time and what you broadcast, either in actions or words, will build a basis for just how other people view and judge you.

Use extreme caution and sound judgement when you demonstrate your character with your actions and when you tell others by your words, what you really represent. Professionalism does not have any boundaries and never sleeps.

The explosion of social networks has created a means of communicating that can be used for your benefit or for your detriment. Whatever you post, is fair game and will either help you or hurt you. There is simply no neutral place on these networks. Everything is being judged.

Your private life should be protected and enjoyed but remember that you are always, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week representing your profession and your company. Do so with pride and considerable discretion when necessary.

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