Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Get to Yes by Getting to Know

When you want to get to yes. Get to know.

If you really want to get to know someone better and thereby strengthen the relationship for the right reasons, be proactive. 

Here is where you start; Ask what they do and why (the why is more important than the what)  where they grew up and where they went to school, what they like, what they pursue, their passion what they would like to do, their hobbies, what they dislike, whom they admire, what they read and what they read recently, their family and more of what you can sincerely learn. Ask; "If we do build (or strengthen) a relationship can we sincerely share expectations?"

There is a world of information available about people and their professions to they who are willing to devote the time and truly desire to know more about what really matters. The very best source is of course the person themselves. 

Not much matters in a relationship if there is not a sincere desire to learn. 

An amazing thing happens when you strive to get to know someone better. People open up, overtime. Ask questions and listen to answers. 

I could write an entire piece (and likely will) on what should happen when you ask a question. So here is what has to happen; listen. 

Listen with a desire to learn and that means you are not listening while thinking of a response as most people do. 

It is amazing what people will share with you if you ask and they know that you really do want to know, and you really do care about them. 

In a business situation take notes. It is hard to remember what you had for lunch yesterday much less the important stuff a decision maker just shared. 

When you really want to get to yes, you will get to know!

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